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About Me

Homemade Cakes

My Story

Love and talent for baking is in my family for 3 generations; all captured in self written recipes book. It all began with my lovely grandma back in 1970’s. She introduced me to the baking world since I was 6 by letting me help her with all kinds of preparations, mixing ingredients and baking. That was the moment when my hidden passion and talent awoke. My mom inherited her passion for baking and further improved her recipes, explored new forms, ideas, and invented new pastries. Year by year our family recipes book got richer and has continue its journey throughout with me.

Something inside me was always telling me that there were more hidden talents in me to explore. That helped me make a study choice easier. I study interior and fashion design, but in parallel successfully kept my love for baking alive working as part time baker for a cafeteria in the neighbourhood. There I was able to create my first own pastries, while continued to improve my mom’s and grandma’s recipes and enrich our family recipes book. After graduation, pushed by collapsed economy in my home country, I decided to leave everybody being and find my better future in the Netherlands. It wasn’t easy but I kept fighting for my goals by following my dreams and passion for art. I started to paint as a hobby, discovering another hidden talent in me. First, I didn’t see it by myself until an amazing person came into my life, who pushed me, supported me, and made me believe in myself and my capabilities. That was the moment when I decided to show them to the world and when my first own webpage was born:

Party without CAKE is just a meeting.
Arnis Greitans
You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy cake and that’s kind of the same thing.
Arnis Greitans
A balanced diet is a slice of cake in each hand.
Arnis Greitans